Dr. Lazaro Rodriguez Neninger Acupuncture Physician
Impeccable Quality And Affordable Prices
Services Provided by Nurse Practitioner Lazaro Rodriguez Neninger
Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture utilizes fine needles to stimulate specific points on the body to relieve pain, and restore balance so it can treat different conditions no matter if they are chronic or acute it doesn’t if they are digestive or respiratory or neurological either.
In Chinese Medicine, we recognize the relationship between muscles and internal organs and then offer guidance in Tai Chi and Massage is not only useful to improve flexibility, strength, and mental focus but to support internal organ function as well
One person can make a difference—nurse practitioners do it every day
Virtual clinics are not just a trend; they’re a transformation in how we think about access and care.In the realm of virtual care, every interaction is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of modern medicine.Virtual visits bring the clinic to your living room, but the quality of care remains as close as ever